
How to Add Chapter Numbers and Sections in InDesign?

By TopicBin . Updated . 4 min read . 0 comments

Fallback Image Chapter numbers are good for long documents, they divide contents into separate documents. You can assign only one chapter number to a document. When you want different numbering styles within a document, you need to define desired ranges of pages as sections. You can assign


How to Work with Parent Pages in InDesign?

By TopicBin . Updated . 8 min read . 0 comments

Fallback Image Parent pages in InDesign document serve as the base pages for document pages. Whenever you create a new document in InDesign, by default InDesign creates a couple of those pages - [None] and A-Parent or A-Master depending on the version of InDesign. These are the


What are Text Variables in InDesign?

By TopicBin . Updated . 5 min read . 0 comments

Preset Text Variables in InDesign InDesign has several preset variables that insert contextual values into a document. You can also create new text variables and update them, including preset variables, as needed. Just as the text variable name suggests, the values of the variable items are changeable best in a context


How to Create Paragraph Style for Running List?

By TopicBin . Updated . 2 min read . 0 comments

Fallback Image This article demonstrates how to create a defined list and paragraph style to form a running list for tables and figures in a document or a book file in InDesign. What is Running List? A running list is a sequential list interrupted by paragraphs. It can span


How to Create Multi-level List in InDesign?

By TopicBin . Updated . 4 min read . 0 comments

Multi-level list A multi-level list is also known as a multi-level outline because it resembles an outline. In a multi-level list, a list item contains one or more lists, thereby creating hierarchical relationships between them. A multi-level list can be as deep as nine levels. Defined list and


Creating Bulleted or Numbered Lists in InDesign

By TopicBin . Updated . 3 min read . 0 comments

Fallback Image Lists are very important in document formatting. They can be either bulleted or numbered, and they automatically update as you add or remove items. These are the few methods to create bulleted or numbered lists in InDesign. Convert existing list items to bulleted or numbered lists: Select


What is Threading Text in InDesign?

By TopicBin . Updated . 5 min read . 0 comments

Fallback Image The process of connecting text among different text frames is called threading text. A text frame is a concept similar to a text box. However, a text frame can be independent of the other text frame or be connected. Note also that text within the


How to Flow Text Along a Path in InDesign?

By TopicBin . Updated . 3 min read . 0 comments

Type on a path Path refers to a geometrical shape made up of points and lines. Geometrical shapes include rectangles, circles, triangles, polygons, lines, arcs, angles, and so on. While rectangles, circles, triangles, and polygons are closed shapes, lines, arcs, and angles are the opened shapes. Therefore, a path


How to Add Page Numbers to Document in InDesign?

By TopicBin . Updated . 3 min read . 0 comments

Fallback Image It is beneficial to add page numbers in long documents. You need a page number marker to display the page numbers in a document. When you add a page number marker, page numbers automatically update when you add, update, or delete document pages. Generally, we
